Un piccolo assaggio dello spettacolo :The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

Written adaptation, original music and directed by Daniel Zappi

Set-design, costumes, make-up and Stage Manager: Teacher Greta

Stage Manager, planning and Production Assistant: Teacher Danuta

Lighting design, sound design and projections: Daniel Zappi

Graphic design: Daniel Zappi

At the projector: Teacher Lara

At the lighting console: Teacher Erica

At the sound console: Teacher Simon

Backstage classroom assistance: Teacher Elena, Teacher Giulia, Teacher Veronica, Teacher Daniela, Teacher Claudia and Teacher Danielle

Backstage Middle School student assitance: Dea, Filippo, Beatrice G, Iris, Federica, Mathilde, Matilde and Sara

Additional student choir (Y4):
Thomas, Leonardo C, Tommaso, Arianna, Jasmine, Aurora, Tea, Lisa

Assistant choreographers:
Jasmine, Anna, Arianna, Tea (Y4)
Sofia, Elena, Elisa, Asia (Y5)

Special thanks to…

Flavio, Graziano and all the technical staff at the Paccagnini Theatre,

The Middle School drama group students for your very helpful assistance backstage,

All the teaching staff at OIS Primary for your huge support on show day and your flexibility and assistance in the months prior to it,

Giuliana and Francesca for your unwavering belief in the Performing Arts at OIS,

The whole parent community for supporting the children and us all in the weeks and months leading up to the show,

The students, for putting so much effort, passion and commitment into the show, from day one! You have been an absolute joy to work with!